1:1 TRADES!!!!
I love to trade patches for the friendship & fellowship! That's what it's all about! E-mail me if you'd like to mix up your duplicates or just "swap some cloth." See below for my standing offers.
Offer #1

My Tsisqan Lodge #253 2012 NOAC Fundraiser (Blue Book #S55) for your lodges' NOAC '12 flap. I will also trade two of these for a two-piece set.!
E-Mail me to Trade!
E-Mail me to Trade!
Offer #2

My Tsisqan Lodge #253 NEW CURRENT 2011 "trader" flap (Blue Book #S53) for your lodges' regular issue or trader flap
E-Mail me to Trade!
E-Mail me to Trade!
Offer #3

My Oregon Trail Council (Eugene, OR) retired regular issue CSP (Guide #S-22a) for your council's regular issue CSP
E-Mail me to Trade!
E-Mail me to Trade!
Offer #4