Order of the Arrow Section Conclave
Please review the list below of Oregon conclave issues from Region 11, Section W1-A, and Section W-1S. Please e-mail me if you have any of these for trade! Thanks!
UPDATED April 25, 2012
Oregon OA Section 1953-1 RED C WHT RED 1953 Area XIA Conference
Oregon OA Section 1958-1 DYL C DBL RED DYL 1958 Region 11-A Conclave Arrowhead
Oregon OA Section 1959-1 DYL C DBL RED DYL 1959 Region 11-A Conclave Arrowhead
Oregon OA Section 1960-1 RED C WHT BLK 1960 Area 11-A
Oregon OA Section 1961-1 BLU C M/C BLK "Camp Meriwether"; 10th Anniversary '51 - '61
Oregon OA Section 1965-1 BLK R RED BLK 1915-1965 50th Anniversary; Region 11-A Conference
Oregon OA Section 1965-2 RED BLK
Oregon OA Section 1965-3 WHT WHT BLK 1915-1965 50th Anniversary; Region 11-A Conference; Neckerchief Slide
Oregon OA Section 1966-1 BLK R WHT LGR Area XIA Conference; Silver Falls State Park; Round Patch
Oregon OA Section 1966-2 LGR DYL Area XIA Conference; Silver Falls State Park; Silk Screened Neckerchief
Oregon OA Section 1966-3 BLK WHT GRN Area XIA Conference; Silver Falls State Park; Neckerchief Slide
Oregon OA Section 1967-2 GRN RED 1967 Area 11-A Conference; Camp Baker; Silk Screened Neckerchief
Oregon OA Section 1969-1 DBL R LBL BRN Camp Meriwether; "Seeking to Serve"; Rectangular Patch
Oregon OA Section 1970-1 RED C WHT RED "Lake of the Woods"; Oval Shaped Patch
Oregon OA Section 1971-1 RED C NBL WHT Area 11-A Concalve 1971
Oregon OA Section 1972-1 WHT R LB BLK Area 11-A 1972; Camp Baker
Oregon OA Section 1972-2 BLU WHT BLK Mug; "Area 11-A"; "Camp Baker"
Oregon OA Section 1973-1 BLK C WHT BLK "Dedication to Purpose"; Western Region Norwester Section Area 1"; Arrowhead Patch
Oregon OA Section 1974-1 RED R WHT BLK Western Region 1A Conclave 1974; Triangular Patch
Oregon OA Section 1975-1 RED R BLU BLK Wesern Region Area 1A Conclave 1975; Rectangular Patch
Oregon OA Section 1976-1a RED R WHT ORG W. REgion 1-A Conclave; 60 Yrs of Service; Round Patch w/ Loop
Oregon OA Section 1976-1b RED R WHT ORG W. Region 1-A Conclave; 60 Yrs of Service; Creslon Back; Round Patch w/ Loop
Oregon OA Section 1976-1c RED R WHT ORG W. Region 1-A Conclave; 60 Yrs of Service; Cloth Back; Round Patch w/ Loop
Oregon OA Section 1977-1 RED R WHT BLK BLK We Who Love thw Woods and Camping"; NW Coast Artwork; Odd Shaped Patch
Oregon OA Section 1977-2 DOR NW Coast Artworl; No lettering; Silk Screened Neckerchief
Oregon OA Section 1977-3 RED WHT BLK BLK Mug; "We Who Love the Woods and Camping"
Oregon OA Section 1978-1 BLK R BLU BLK WHT Section W1-A Conclave; Arrowhead Patch w/ Loop
Oregon OA Section 1979-1 BLK R WHT BLK BLK "With Will United"; Camp Meriwether; Pentagon Shaped Patch
Oregon OA Section 1979-2 RED C RED GLD "1979 Service Award" Ribbon
Oregon OA Section 1980-2 WHT WHT RED SSC Neckerchief; "Section Service Staff"; "1980"; RED Arrow pointing down to the Left over State
Oregon OA Section 1981-1 BLK R WHT RED "Silver-Creek Falls 1981"; Round Patch
Oregon OA Section 1982-1 BLK R WHT BLK BLK "Grow Today, Strive for Tomorrow"; NW Coast Artwork; Flap Shaped
Oregon OA Section 1982-2 WHT 1982 W1-A Concalve; No Lettering; NW Coast Artwork; Silk Screen Neckerchief
Oregon OA Section 1982-3 WHT RED RED 1982 "Conclave Staff" Button
Oregon OA Section 1983-1 DYL R BLK WHT DYL Wilhillasohen Weuchsowagon"; '83; Round Patch
Oregon OA Section 1984-1a RED R ORG GRN GRN "Camp Meriwether"; Meet the Challange"; Plastic Back; Beaver belly is WHT on back; Odd Shaped Patch w/ Loop
Oregon OA Section 1984-1b RED R ORG GRN GRN "Camp Meriwether"; Meet the Challange"; Plastic Back; Beaver belly is BLK on back; Odd Shaped Patch w/ Loop
Oregon OA Section 1984-2 BLK R ORG GRN GRN "Camp Meriwether"; Meet the Challange"; Staff Issue; Odd Shaped Patch w/ Loop
Oregon OA Section 1984-3 RED C ORG RED "Arrow Men's Service Award"; Felt Arrowhead
Oregon OA Section 1984-4 RED C RED BLK Contest Ribbon; "I Made My Fire by Friction"; "Camp Meriweather Conclave"
Oregon OA Section 1985-1 LBL R M/C GRN DYL 1985 Diamond Jubilee; "Mazama Service Lodge"; Round Patch w/ RWB Loop
Oregon OA Section 1985-2 GRN WHT WHT 1985 Diamond Jubilee; "Mazama Service Lodge"; Delegate Issue; Silk Screened Neckerchief
Oregon OA Section 1985-4 PUR WHT WHT 1985 Diamond Jubilee; "Mazama Service Lodge"; Donor Issue; Silk Screened Neckerchief
Oregon OA Section 1986-1 BLK R M/C BLK RED "Camp Kilowan"; Oval Shaped Patch w/ Loop
Oregon OA Section 1986-2 RED BLK RED NOAC 1986 Pin; Rectangle; NW Coast Art
Oregon OA Section 1986-3 WHT C WHT BLK BLK NOAC 1986 Sticker; Round; NW Coast Art
Oregon OA Section 1987-1 RED R WHT BLK "Gathered Now to Help and Serve"; Camp Baker; Odd Shaped Patch
Oregon OA Section 1988-1 BLK R WHT BLK "Sikhs-Friend"; Odd Shaped Patch
Oregon OA Section 1989-1 BLK C M/C BLK DYL "Beyond the Ordeal"; Delegate Issue; RED Outer Ring; Odd Shaped Patch
Oregon OA Section 1989-2 BLK C M/C BLK DYL "Beyond the Ordeal"; Donor Patch; DYL Outer Ring; Odd Shaped Patch
Oregon OA Section 1990-1a BLK R M/C RED RED 1990 Conclave; 75th Anniversary of OA; Pentagon Shaped Patch
Oregon OA Section 1990-1b BLK R M/C RED RED 1990 Conclave; 75th Anniversary of OA; #253 Delegate; Pentagon Shaped Patch w/ Loop on #253 Edge
Oregon OA Section 1990-1c BLK R M/C RED RED 1990 Conclave; 75th Anniversary of OA; #259 Delegate; Pentagon Shaped Patch w/ Loop on #259 Edge
Oregon OA Section 1990-1d BLK R M/C RED RED 1990 Conclave; 75th Anniversary of OA; #421 Delegate; Pentagon Shaped Patch w/ Loop on #421 Edge
Oregon OA Section 1990-1e BLK R M/C RED RED 1990 Conclave; 75th Anniversary of OA; #437 Delegate; Pentagon Shaped Patch w/ Loop on #437 Edge
Oregon OA Section 1990-1f BLK R M/C RED RED 1990 Conclave; 75th Anniversary of OA; #442 Delegate; Pentagon Shaped Patch w/ Loop on #442 Edge
Oregon OA Section 1990-2 GMY R M/C RED RED 1990 Conclave; 75th Anniversary of OA; Donor Issue; Pentagon Shaped Patch
Oregon OA Section 1991-1 WHT R M/C BLK BLK Host Tsisqan 253; Strengthening the Brotherhood of 40 Years; Delegate Issue
Oregon OA Section 1991-2 GRY R M/C BLK BLK Host Tsisqan 253; Strengthening the Brotherhood of 40 Years; Donor Issue
Oregon OA Section 1991-3 GLD M/C GLD Bolo Tie with YEL Cords; "Strengthening the Brotherhood of 40 Years"; "1951-1991"
Oregon OA Section 1992-1 RED C M/C BLK RED Conclave '92; W1A Delegate with Spirit Award ATTACHED
Oregon OA Section 1992-2 DGY C M/C BLK RED Conclave '92; W1A Donor/Staff with Spirit Award ATTACHED
Oregon OA Section 1992-4 RED C M/C BLK RED Conclave '92; W1A Delegate with VOID FOR Spirit Award
Oregon OA Section 1992-5 DGY C M/C BLK RED Conclave '92; W1A Donor/Staff with VOID FOR Spirit Award
Oregon OA Section 1992-6 DBL C M/C BLK RED Conclave '92; W1A Fundraiser with VOID FOR Spirit Award
Oregon OA Section 1992-7 RED C BLU DBL Conclave '92; Diamond Shaped Spirit Award
Oregon OA Section 1992-8 DGY C BLU DBL Conclave '92; Diamond Shaped Spirit Award
Oregon OA Section 1992-9 DBL C BLU DBL Conclave '92; Diamond Shaped Spirit Award
Oregon OA Section 1993-1a WHT R M/C BLK '52-'93; Delegate Issue; No Loop
Oregon OA Section 1993-1b WHT R M/C BLK '52-'93; Delegate Issue; With Loop
Oregon OA Section 1993-2 GRY R M/C BLK '52-'93; Staff Issue; No Loop
Oregon OA Section 1993-3 GMY R M/C BLK '52-'93; Donor Issue; No Loop
Oregon OA Section 1993-4 YEL BLK 1993 Spirit Award Pin
Oregon OA Section 1994-1 WHT R M/C WHT RED 1994 W1A Conclave; Delegate Issue
Oregon OA Section 1994-2 SMY R M/C WHT RED 1994 W1A Conclave; BSA; Staff Issue
Oregon OA Section 1994-3 MAR R M/C WHT RED 1994 W1A Conclave; BSA; Donor Issue
Oregon OA Section 1994-4 WHT R WHT BLK 1994 Spirit Award
Oregon OA Section 1995-2 RED R M/C RED RED Honoring Traditions Always and Faithfully; Donor Issue
Oregon OA Section 1995-3 WHT WHT BLK Mug; "Honoring Traditions Always and Faithfully"; NW Coast Artwork
Oregon OA Section 1996-2 RED R BLU DBL Spirit of the Flames Uniting our Fires; Donor Issue
Oregon OA Section 1997-1 BLK R M/C WHT WHT 1997 W!A Conclave; Delegate Issue
Oregon OA Section 1997-2 YEL R M/C WHT WHT 1997 W!A Conclave; Staff Issue
Oregon OA Section 1997-3 RED R M/C WHT WHT 1997 W!A Conclave; Donor Issue
Oregon OA Section 1997-4 WHT R WHT BLK 1997 Spirit Award
Oregon OA Section 1998-1 WHT R M/C BLK BRN "Spring Conclave"; "Starting a New Adventure"; "Continuing Old Traditions"; Delegate Issue
Oregon OA Section 1998-2 RED R M/C BLK BRN "Spring Conclave"; "Starting a New Adventure"; "Continuing Old Traditions"; Donor Issue
Oregon OA Section 1998-3 SMY R M/C BLK BRN "Spring Conclave"; "Starting a New Adventure"; "Continuing Old Traditions"; Staff Issue
Oregon OA Section 1998-4 RWB 1998 Spirit Award
Oregon OA Section 1999-1 TAN R BLU BLK Conclave 1999; Delegate Issue
Oregon OA Section 1999-2 WHT R BLU BLK Conclave 1999; Staff Issue
Oregon OA Section 1999-3 GMY R BLU BLK Conclave 1999; Donor Issue
Oregon OA Section 1999-4 RED RED Wood Block; 1999 Spirit Award
Oregon OA Section 1999-5 WHT BLK 1999 Button; "I'm Going to Conclave"
Oregon OA Section 1999-6 WHT R WHT BLK Arrowhead with Loop; Conclave Committee
Oregon OA Section 2000-1 BLK R M/C BLK DYL "Quest for Our Purpose"; "Silver Creek Falls"; Delegate Issue
Oregon OA Section 2000-2 DBL R M/C BLK DYL "Quest for Our Purpose"; "Silver Creek Falls"; Staff Issue
Oregon OA Section 2000-3 RED R M/C BLK DYL "Quest for Our Purpose"; "Silver Creek Falls"; Donor Issue
Oregon OA Section 2000-4 RED Arrowhead; 2000 Spirit Award Pin
Oregon OA Section 2000-5 BLK RED 2000 Button; "I'm Going"
Oregon OA Section 2000-6 BLK M/C BLK DYL 2000 Button; Same Design as Patch
Oregon OA Section 2000-7 BLK R M/C BLK Fundraiser Backpatch; OA Logo in Center
Oregon OA Section 2000-8 GMY R M/C BLK Patron Backpatch; OA Logo in Center
Oregon OA Section 2001-1 BLK R M/C RED "In Service, In Leadership, In Brotherhood"; NW Coast Beaver in Center; Delegate Issue
Oregon OA Section 2001-2 RED R M/C RED "In Service, In Leadership, In Brotherhood"; NW Coast Beaver in Center; Staff Issue
Oregon OA Section 2001-3 GMY R M/C RED "In Service, In Leadership, In Brotherhood"; NW Coast Beaver in Center; Donor Issue
Oregon OA Section 2001-4 RED Arrowhead; 2001 Spirit Award Pin
Oregon OA Section 2001-5 BLK R M/C RED "In Service, In Leadership, In Brotherhood"; OA Arrowhead in Center; 2001 Conclave Committee
Oregon OA Section 2001-6 BLK M/C RED 2001 Button; OA Arrowhead in Center
Oregon OA Section 2001-7 RED R BLK WHT Fundraiser Flap
Oregon OA Section 2001-8 BLK R M/C WHT LBL Triangle; Donor Backpatch
Oregon OA Section 2001-9 GMY R M/C WHT LBL Triangle; Patron Backpatch
Oregon OA Section 2002-2 DBL R WHT DBL GMY "50"; "50 Years of Cheerful Service"; Staff Issue (White Background)
Oregon OA Section 2002-4 GMY R BLK DBL GMY "50"; "50 Years of Cheerful Service"; Commemorative Issue
Oregon OA Section 2002-6 RED R WHT DBL BLK "Ktemaque University"; Associates Degree
Oregon OA Section 2002-7 RED R WHT RED "1952-2002"; Special Recognition; Same Design as 1953 Issue
Oregon OA Section 2002-8a GMY C BLK GMY GMY "50"; Conclave Committee with Loop
Oregon OA Section 2002-8b GMY C BLK GMY GMY "50"; Conclave Committee Arrowhead without Loop
Oregon OA Section 2002-10 GMY R M/C BLK Rectangle; Patron Backpatch; OA Logo in Center; "50 Years of Cheerful Service"
Oregon OA Section 2002-13 SMY R WHT BLU BLK "Ktemaque University"; Doctorate's Degree
Oregon OA Section 2002-14 GMY R WHT BLU BLK "Ktemaque University"; Professor's Degree
Oregon OA Section 2002-15 BLK BLK GLD Bolo Tie with RED cords; 50th Anniversary Patch Design
Oregon OA Section 2003-5 BLK GLD Spirit Award Pin; Beaver holding Vigil Arrow in front of Arrowhead
Oregon OA Section 2003-6 WHT WHT WHT Button; Oval Patch Design on Round Button
Oregon OA Section 2003-7 RED C WHT RED WHT "2003 Patron" Chenille; Oval
Oregon OA Section 2003-8 WHT WHT BLU Puzzle Piece; Upper Left Quadrant; Whole Puzzle Shows Oval Patch Design
Oregon OA Section 2003-9 WHT WHT BLU Puzzle Piece; Upper Right Quadrant; Whole Puzzle Shows Oval Patch Design
Oregon OA Section 2003-10 WHT WHT BLU Puzzle Piece; Lower Left Quadrant; Whole Puzzle Shows Oval Patch Design
Oregon OA Section 2003-11 WHT WHT BLU Puzzle Piece; Lower Right Quadrant; Whole Puzzle Shows Oval Patch Design
Oregon OA Section 2004-2 SMY C TAN LGR BRN Staff Patch; Odd Shape; Cartoony Beaver
Oregon OA Section 2004-3 GMY C TAN LGR BRN Donor Patch; Odd Shape; Cartoony Beaver
Oregon OA Section 2004-4 BLK R M/C RED DGR Rectangular Back Patch; Fundraiser; Cartoony Design
Oregon OA Section 2004-5 WHT C NBL WHT WHT "2004 Patron" Chennile; Oval
Oregon OA Section 2004-6 BLK Spirit Award Pin; Simple RED Arrowhead
Oregon OA Section 2004-7 YEL YEL GRN BLK 2004 Button; Patch Design on Round Button
Oregon OA Section 2004-8 ORG ORG GRN BLK 2004 Button; Patch Design on Round Button
Oregon OA Section 2004-9 RED RED GRN BLK 2004 Button; Patch Design on Round Button
Oregon OA Section 2004-10 GRN GRN GRN BLK 2004 Button; Patch Design on Round Button
Oregon OA Section 2004-11 BLU BLU GRN BLK 2004 Button; Patch Design on Round Button
Oregon OA Section 2005-1 BLK R M/C PUR PUR Delegate Patch w/Loop; Stylized Totems in "Smoke"
Oregon OA Section 2005-3 GMY R M/C PUR PUR Donor Patch w/Loop; Stylized Totems in "Smoke"
Oregon OA Section 2005-4 BLK C BRN Spirit Award Patch; Realistic Beaver
Oregon OA Section 2005-6 RED WHT BLU BLK Staff Pin; "Ktemaque University" Design
Oregon OA Section 2005-7a WHT C BRN WHT Chenille Backpatch; Fundraiser; BRN Beaver holding Arrow; No writing on Arrow
Oregon OA Section 2005-7b WHT C DBR WHT Chenille Backpatch; Fundraiser; DBR Beaver holding Arrow; No writing on Arrow
Oregon OA Section 2005-8 WHT C BRN WHT Chenille Backpatch; Patron; BRN Beaver holding Arrow; "2005" written on Arrow
Oregon OA Section 2006-2 DGR R M/C BLU BLU Collector's Patch; Skiing Dinosaur
Oregon OA Section 2008-2 GRN R/C BRN BLK M/C Collector's Patch; Beaver Holding Arrow; Cut Through Center
Oregon OA Section 2008-6 M/C C WHT BLK Pin; Same Design as Regular Patch
Oregon OA Section 2008-7 GLD WHT BLK Pin; Same Deisgn as Regular Patch
Oregon OA Section 2008-8 WHT R WHT WHT Dome Shape; Auction/Trading Post Patch
Oregon OA Section 2008-9 WHT C BRN WHT Chenille Beaver Jacket Patch
Oregon OA Section 2008-10 Odd Shaped Jacket Patch; Patron
Oregon OA Section 2008-11 Odd Shaped Jacket Patch; Collector's
Oregon OA Section 2008-12 Odd Shaped Jacket Patch; Guardian
Oregon OA Section 2009-6 R WHT RED WHT Jacket Patch; Patron
Oregon OA Section 2009-7 R WHT RED WHT Jacket Patch; Gaurdian
Oregon OA Section 2009-8 R WHT RED WHT Jacket Patch; Special Collector's
Oregon OA Section 2010-8 SMY R BLK WHT BLK Oval Jacket Patch; Guardian Issue; RED NW Coast Arkwork
Oregon OA Section 2010-9 SMY R BLK WHT BLK Oval Jacket Patch; Special Gift Issue; RED NW Coast Arkwork (No "Gaurdian")
Oregon OA Section 2010-10 WHT R DBL GMY RED Oval Jacket Patch; Special Collector's Issue; RED NW Coast Arkwork
Oregon OA Section 2010-11 BLK C WHT RED BLK Conclave Fundraiser; Van shape w/Loop; "Rilea or Bust"
Oregon OA Section 2011-4 BLU R BLK RED RED Special Collector's Patch
Oregon OA Section 2011-6 SMY R M/C BLK YEL 60th Anniversary Backpatch; Gaurdian Issue; Round w/Four Quadrants
Oregon OA Section 2011-7 WHT R M/C BLK YEL 60th Anniversary Backpatch; Special Collector's Issue; Round w/Four Quadrants
Oregon OA Section 2011-8 GMY R M/C BLK YEL 60th Anniversary Backpatch; Patron Issue; Round w/Four Quadrants
Oregon OA Section 1958-1 DYL C DBL RED DYL 1958 Region 11-A Conclave Arrowhead
Oregon OA Section 1959-1 DYL C DBL RED DYL 1959 Region 11-A Conclave Arrowhead
Oregon OA Section 1960-1 RED C WHT BLK 1960 Area 11-A
Oregon OA Section 1961-1 BLU C M/C BLK "Camp Meriwether"; 10th Anniversary '51 - '61
Oregon OA Section 1965-1 BLK R RED BLK 1915-1965 50th Anniversary; Region 11-A Conference
Oregon OA Section 1965-2 RED BLK
Oregon OA Section 1965-3 WHT WHT BLK 1915-1965 50th Anniversary; Region 11-A Conference; Neckerchief Slide
Oregon OA Section 1966-1 BLK R WHT LGR Area XIA Conference; Silver Falls State Park; Round Patch
Oregon OA Section 1966-2 LGR DYL Area XIA Conference; Silver Falls State Park; Silk Screened Neckerchief
Oregon OA Section 1966-3 BLK WHT GRN Area XIA Conference; Silver Falls State Park; Neckerchief Slide
Oregon OA Section 1967-2 GRN RED 1967 Area 11-A Conference; Camp Baker; Silk Screened Neckerchief
Oregon OA Section 1969-1 DBL R LBL BRN Camp Meriwether; "Seeking to Serve"; Rectangular Patch
Oregon OA Section 1970-1 RED C WHT RED "Lake of the Woods"; Oval Shaped Patch
Oregon OA Section 1971-1 RED C NBL WHT Area 11-A Concalve 1971
Oregon OA Section 1972-1 WHT R LB BLK Area 11-A 1972; Camp Baker
Oregon OA Section 1972-2 BLU WHT BLK Mug; "Area 11-A"; "Camp Baker"
Oregon OA Section 1973-1 BLK C WHT BLK "Dedication to Purpose"; Western Region Norwester Section Area 1"; Arrowhead Patch
Oregon OA Section 1974-1 RED R WHT BLK Western Region 1A Conclave 1974; Triangular Patch
Oregon OA Section 1975-1 RED R BLU BLK Wesern Region Area 1A Conclave 1975; Rectangular Patch
Oregon OA Section 1976-1a RED R WHT ORG W. REgion 1-A Conclave; 60 Yrs of Service; Round Patch w/ Loop
Oregon OA Section 1976-1b RED R WHT ORG W. Region 1-A Conclave; 60 Yrs of Service; Creslon Back; Round Patch w/ Loop
Oregon OA Section 1976-1c RED R WHT ORG W. Region 1-A Conclave; 60 Yrs of Service; Cloth Back; Round Patch w/ Loop
Oregon OA Section 1977-1 RED R WHT BLK BLK We Who Love thw Woods and Camping"; NW Coast Artwork; Odd Shaped Patch
Oregon OA Section 1977-2 DOR NW Coast Artworl; No lettering; Silk Screened Neckerchief
Oregon OA Section 1977-3 RED WHT BLK BLK Mug; "We Who Love the Woods and Camping"
Oregon OA Section 1978-1 BLK R BLU BLK WHT Section W1-A Conclave; Arrowhead Patch w/ Loop
Oregon OA Section 1979-1 BLK R WHT BLK BLK "With Will United"; Camp Meriwether; Pentagon Shaped Patch
Oregon OA Section 1979-2 RED C RED GLD "1979 Service Award" Ribbon
Oregon OA Section 1980-2 WHT WHT RED SSC Neckerchief; "Section Service Staff"; "1980"; RED Arrow pointing down to the Left over State
Oregon OA Section 1981-1 BLK R WHT RED "Silver-Creek Falls 1981"; Round Patch
Oregon OA Section 1982-1 BLK R WHT BLK BLK "Grow Today, Strive for Tomorrow"; NW Coast Artwork; Flap Shaped
Oregon OA Section 1982-2 WHT 1982 W1-A Concalve; No Lettering; NW Coast Artwork; Silk Screen Neckerchief
Oregon OA Section 1982-3 WHT RED RED 1982 "Conclave Staff" Button
Oregon OA Section 1983-1 DYL R BLK WHT DYL Wilhillasohen Weuchsowagon"; '83; Round Patch
Oregon OA Section 1984-1a RED R ORG GRN GRN "Camp Meriwether"; Meet the Challange"; Plastic Back; Beaver belly is WHT on back; Odd Shaped Patch w/ Loop
Oregon OA Section 1984-1b RED R ORG GRN GRN "Camp Meriwether"; Meet the Challange"; Plastic Back; Beaver belly is BLK on back; Odd Shaped Patch w/ Loop
Oregon OA Section 1984-2 BLK R ORG GRN GRN "Camp Meriwether"; Meet the Challange"; Staff Issue; Odd Shaped Patch w/ Loop
Oregon OA Section 1984-3 RED C ORG RED "Arrow Men's Service Award"; Felt Arrowhead
Oregon OA Section 1984-4 RED C RED BLK Contest Ribbon; "I Made My Fire by Friction"; "Camp Meriweather Conclave"
Oregon OA Section 1985-1 LBL R M/C GRN DYL 1985 Diamond Jubilee; "Mazama Service Lodge"; Round Patch w/ RWB Loop
Oregon OA Section 1985-2 GRN WHT WHT 1985 Diamond Jubilee; "Mazama Service Lodge"; Delegate Issue; Silk Screened Neckerchief
Oregon OA Section 1985-4 PUR WHT WHT 1985 Diamond Jubilee; "Mazama Service Lodge"; Donor Issue; Silk Screened Neckerchief
Oregon OA Section 1986-1 BLK R M/C BLK RED "Camp Kilowan"; Oval Shaped Patch w/ Loop
Oregon OA Section 1986-2 RED BLK RED NOAC 1986 Pin; Rectangle; NW Coast Art
Oregon OA Section 1986-3 WHT C WHT BLK BLK NOAC 1986 Sticker; Round; NW Coast Art
Oregon OA Section 1987-1 RED R WHT BLK "Gathered Now to Help and Serve"; Camp Baker; Odd Shaped Patch
Oregon OA Section 1988-1 BLK R WHT BLK "Sikhs-Friend"; Odd Shaped Patch
Oregon OA Section 1989-1 BLK C M/C BLK DYL "Beyond the Ordeal"; Delegate Issue; RED Outer Ring; Odd Shaped Patch
Oregon OA Section 1989-2 BLK C M/C BLK DYL "Beyond the Ordeal"; Donor Patch; DYL Outer Ring; Odd Shaped Patch
Oregon OA Section 1990-1a BLK R M/C RED RED 1990 Conclave; 75th Anniversary of OA; Pentagon Shaped Patch
Oregon OA Section 1990-1b BLK R M/C RED RED 1990 Conclave; 75th Anniversary of OA; #253 Delegate; Pentagon Shaped Patch w/ Loop on #253 Edge
Oregon OA Section 1990-1c BLK R M/C RED RED 1990 Conclave; 75th Anniversary of OA; #259 Delegate; Pentagon Shaped Patch w/ Loop on #259 Edge
Oregon OA Section 1990-1d BLK R M/C RED RED 1990 Conclave; 75th Anniversary of OA; #421 Delegate; Pentagon Shaped Patch w/ Loop on #421 Edge
Oregon OA Section 1990-1e BLK R M/C RED RED 1990 Conclave; 75th Anniversary of OA; #437 Delegate; Pentagon Shaped Patch w/ Loop on #437 Edge
Oregon OA Section 1990-1f BLK R M/C RED RED 1990 Conclave; 75th Anniversary of OA; #442 Delegate; Pentagon Shaped Patch w/ Loop on #442 Edge
Oregon OA Section 1990-2 GMY R M/C RED RED 1990 Conclave; 75th Anniversary of OA; Donor Issue; Pentagon Shaped Patch
Oregon OA Section 1991-1 WHT R M/C BLK BLK Host Tsisqan 253; Strengthening the Brotherhood of 40 Years; Delegate Issue
Oregon OA Section 1991-2 GRY R M/C BLK BLK Host Tsisqan 253; Strengthening the Brotherhood of 40 Years; Donor Issue
Oregon OA Section 1991-3 GLD M/C GLD Bolo Tie with YEL Cords; "Strengthening the Brotherhood of 40 Years"; "1951-1991"
Oregon OA Section 1992-1 RED C M/C BLK RED Conclave '92; W1A Delegate with Spirit Award ATTACHED
Oregon OA Section 1992-2 DGY C M/C BLK RED Conclave '92; W1A Donor/Staff with Spirit Award ATTACHED
Oregon OA Section 1992-4 RED C M/C BLK RED Conclave '92; W1A Delegate with VOID FOR Spirit Award
Oregon OA Section 1992-5 DGY C M/C BLK RED Conclave '92; W1A Donor/Staff with VOID FOR Spirit Award
Oregon OA Section 1992-6 DBL C M/C BLK RED Conclave '92; W1A Fundraiser with VOID FOR Spirit Award
Oregon OA Section 1992-7 RED C BLU DBL Conclave '92; Diamond Shaped Spirit Award
Oregon OA Section 1992-8 DGY C BLU DBL Conclave '92; Diamond Shaped Spirit Award
Oregon OA Section 1992-9 DBL C BLU DBL Conclave '92; Diamond Shaped Spirit Award
Oregon OA Section 1993-1a WHT R M/C BLK '52-'93; Delegate Issue; No Loop
Oregon OA Section 1993-1b WHT R M/C BLK '52-'93; Delegate Issue; With Loop
Oregon OA Section 1993-2 GRY R M/C BLK '52-'93; Staff Issue; No Loop
Oregon OA Section 1993-3 GMY R M/C BLK '52-'93; Donor Issue; No Loop
Oregon OA Section 1993-4 YEL BLK 1993 Spirit Award Pin
Oregon OA Section 1994-1 WHT R M/C WHT RED 1994 W1A Conclave; Delegate Issue
Oregon OA Section 1994-2 SMY R M/C WHT RED 1994 W1A Conclave; BSA; Staff Issue
Oregon OA Section 1994-3 MAR R M/C WHT RED 1994 W1A Conclave; BSA; Donor Issue
Oregon OA Section 1994-4 WHT R WHT BLK 1994 Spirit Award
Oregon OA Section 1995-2 RED R M/C RED RED Honoring Traditions Always and Faithfully; Donor Issue
Oregon OA Section 1995-3 WHT WHT BLK Mug; "Honoring Traditions Always and Faithfully"; NW Coast Artwork
Oregon OA Section 1996-2 RED R BLU DBL Spirit of the Flames Uniting our Fires; Donor Issue
Oregon OA Section 1997-1 BLK R M/C WHT WHT 1997 W!A Conclave; Delegate Issue
Oregon OA Section 1997-2 YEL R M/C WHT WHT 1997 W!A Conclave; Staff Issue
Oregon OA Section 1997-3 RED R M/C WHT WHT 1997 W!A Conclave; Donor Issue
Oregon OA Section 1997-4 WHT R WHT BLK 1997 Spirit Award
Oregon OA Section 1998-1 WHT R M/C BLK BRN "Spring Conclave"; "Starting a New Adventure"; "Continuing Old Traditions"; Delegate Issue
Oregon OA Section 1998-2 RED R M/C BLK BRN "Spring Conclave"; "Starting a New Adventure"; "Continuing Old Traditions"; Donor Issue
Oregon OA Section 1998-3 SMY R M/C BLK BRN "Spring Conclave"; "Starting a New Adventure"; "Continuing Old Traditions"; Staff Issue
Oregon OA Section 1998-4 RWB 1998 Spirit Award
Oregon OA Section 1999-1 TAN R BLU BLK Conclave 1999; Delegate Issue
Oregon OA Section 1999-2 WHT R BLU BLK Conclave 1999; Staff Issue
Oregon OA Section 1999-3 GMY R BLU BLK Conclave 1999; Donor Issue
Oregon OA Section 1999-4 RED RED Wood Block; 1999 Spirit Award
Oregon OA Section 1999-5 WHT BLK 1999 Button; "I'm Going to Conclave"
Oregon OA Section 1999-6 WHT R WHT BLK Arrowhead with Loop; Conclave Committee
Oregon OA Section 2000-1 BLK R M/C BLK DYL "Quest for Our Purpose"; "Silver Creek Falls"; Delegate Issue
Oregon OA Section 2000-2 DBL R M/C BLK DYL "Quest for Our Purpose"; "Silver Creek Falls"; Staff Issue
Oregon OA Section 2000-3 RED R M/C BLK DYL "Quest for Our Purpose"; "Silver Creek Falls"; Donor Issue
Oregon OA Section 2000-4 RED Arrowhead; 2000 Spirit Award Pin
Oregon OA Section 2000-5 BLK RED 2000 Button; "I'm Going"
Oregon OA Section 2000-6 BLK M/C BLK DYL 2000 Button; Same Design as Patch
Oregon OA Section 2000-7 BLK R M/C BLK Fundraiser Backpatch; OA Logo in Center
Oregon OA Section 2000-8 GMY R M/C BLK Patron Backpatch; OA Logo in Center
Oregon OA Section 2001-1 BLK R M/C RED "In Service, In Leadership, In Brotherhood"; NW Coast Beaver in Center; Delegate Issue
Oregon OA Section 2001-2 RED R M/C RED "In Service, In Leadership, In Brotherhood"; NW Coast Beaver in Center; Staff Issue
Oregon OA Section 2001-3 GMY R M/C RED "In Service, In Leadership, In Brotherhood"; NW Coast Beaver in Center; Donor Issue
Oregon OA Section 2001-4 RED Arrowhead; 2001 Spirit Award Pin
Oregon OA Section 2001-5 BLK R M/C RED "In Service, In Leadership, In Brotherhood"; OA Arrowhead in Center; 2001 Conclave Committee
Oregon OA Section 2001-6 BLK M/C RED 2001 Button; OA Arrowhead in Center
Oregon OA Section 2001-7 RED R BLK WHT Fundraiser Flap
Oregon OA Section 2001-8 BLK R M/C WHT LBL Triangle; Donor Backpatch
Oregon OA Section 2001-9 GMY R M/C WHT LBL Triangle; Patron Backpatch
Oregon OA Section 2002-2 DBL R WHT DBL GMY "50"; "50 Years of Cheerful Service"; Staff Issue (White Background)
Oregon OA Section 2002-4 GMY R BLK DBL GMY "50"; "50 Years of Cheerful Service"; Commemorative Issue
Oregon OA Section 2002-6 RED R WHT DBL BLK "Ktemaque University"; Associates Degree
Oregon OA Section 2002-7 RED R WHT RED "1952-2002"; Special Recognition; Same Design as 1953 Issue
Oregon OA Section 2002-8a GMY C BLK GMY GMY "50"; Conclave Committee with Loop
Oregon OA Section 2002-8b GMY C BLK GMY GMY "50"; Conclave Committee Arrowhead without Loop
Oregon OA Section 2002-10 GMY R M/C BLK Rectangle; Patron Backpatch; OA Logo in Center; "50 Years of Cheerful Service"
Oregon OA Section 2002-13 SMY R WHT BLU BLK "Ktemaque University"; Doctorate's Degree
Oregon OA Section 2002-14 GMY R WHT BLU BLK "Ktemaque University"; Professor's Degree
Oregon OA Section 2002-15 BLK BLK GLD Bolo Tie with RED cords; 50th Anniversary Patch Design
Oregon OA Section 2003-5 BLK GLD Spirit Award Pin; Beaver holding Vigil Arrow in front of Arrowhead
Oregon OA Section 2003-6 WHT WHT WHT Button; Oval Patch Design on Round Button
Oregon OA Section 2003-7 RED C WHT RED WHT "2003 Patron" Chenille; Oval
Oregon OA Section 2003-8 WHT WHT BLU Puzzle Piece; Upper Left Quadrant; Whole Puzzle Shows Oval Patch Design
Oregon OA Section 2003-9 WHT WHT BLU Puzzle Piece; Upper Right Quadrant; Whole Puzzle Shows Oval Patch Design
Oregon OA Section 2003-10 WHT WHT BLU Puzzle Piece; Lower Left Quadrant; Whole Puzzle Shows Oval Patch Design
Oregon OA Section 2003-11 WHT WHT BLU Puzzle Piece; Lower Right Quadrant; Whole Puzzle Shows Oval Patch Design
Oregon OA Section 2004-2 SMY C TAN LGR BRN Staff Patch; Odd Shape; Cartoony Beaver
Oregon OA Section 2004-3 GMY C TAN LGR BRN Donor Patch; Odd Shape; Cartoony Beaver
Oregon OA Section 2004-4 BLK R M/C RED DGR Rectangular Back Patch; Fundraiser; Cartoony Design
Oregon OA Section 2004-5 WHT C NBL WHT WHT "2004 Patron" Chennile; Oval
Oregon OA Section 2004-6 BLK Spirit Award Pin; Simple RED Arrowhead
Oregon OA Section 2004-7 YEL YEL GRN BLK 2004 Button; Patch Design on Round Button
Oregon OA Section 2004-8 ORG ORG GRN BLK 2004 Button; Patch Design on Round Button
Oregon OA Section 2004-9 RED RED GRN BLK 2004 Button; Patch Design on Round Button
Oregon OA Section 2004-10 GRN GRN GRN BLK 2004 Button; Patch Design on Round Button
Oregon OA Section 2004-11 BLU BLU GRN BLK 2004 Button; Patch Design on Round Button
Oregon OA Section 2005-1 BLK R M/C PUR PUR Delegate Patch w/Loop; Stylized Totems in "Smoke"
Oregon OA Section 2005-3 GMY R M/C PUR PUR Donor Patch w/Loop; Stylized Totems in "Smoke"
Oregon OA Section 2005-4 BLK C BRN Spirit Award Patch; Realistic Beaver
Oregon OA Section 2005-6 RED WHT BLU BLK Staff Pin; "Ktemaque University" Design
Oregon OA Section 2005-7a WHT C BRN WHT Chenille Backpatch; Fundraiser; BRN Beaver holding Arrow; No writing on Arrow
Oregon OA Section 2005-7b WHT C DBR WHT Chenille Backpatch; Fundraiser; DBR Beaver holding Arrow; No writing on Arrow
Oregon OA Section 2005-8 WHT C BRN WHT Chenille Backpatch; Patron; BRN Beaver holding Arrow; "2005" written on Arrow
Oregon OA Section 2006-2 DGR R M/C BLU BLU Collector's Patch; Skiing Dinosaur
Oregon OA Section 2008-2 GRN R/C BRN BLK M/C Collector's Patch; Beaver Holding Arrow; Cut Through Center
Oregon OA Section 2008-6 M/C C WHT BLK Pin; Same Design as Regular Patch
Oregon OA Section 2008-7 GLD WHT BLK Pin; Same Deisgn as Regular Patch
Oregon OA Section 2008-8 WHT R WHT WHT Dome Shape; Auction/Trading Post Patch
Oregon OA Section 2008-9 WHT C BRN WHT Chenille Beaver Jacket Patch
Oregon OA Section 2008-10 Odd Shaped Jacket Patch; Patron
Oregon OA Section 2008-11 Odd Shaped Jacket Patch; Collector's
Oregon OA Section 2008-12 Odd Shaped Jacket Patch; Guardian
Oregon OA Section 2009-6 R WHT RED WHT Jacket Patch; Patron
Oregon OA Section 2009-7 R WHT RED WHT Jacket Patch; Gaurdian
Oregon OA Section 2009-8 R WHT RED WHT Jacket Patch; Special Collector's
Oregon OA Section 2010-8 SMY R BLK WHT BLK Oval Jacket Patch; Guardian Issue; RED NW Coast Arkwork
Oregon OA Section 2010-9 SMY R BLK WHT BLK Oval Jacket Patch; Special Gift Issue; RED NW Coast Arkwork (No "Gaurdian")
Oregon OA Section 2010-10 WHT R DBL GMY RED Oval Jacket Patch; Special Collector's Issue; RED NW Coast Arkwork
Oregon OA Section 2010-11 BLK C WHT RED BLK Conclave Fundraiser; Van shape w/Loop; "Rilea or Bust"
Oregon OA Section 2011-4 BLU R BLK RED RED Special Collector's Patch
Oregon OA Section 2011-6 SMY R M/C BLK YEL 60th Anniversary Backpatch; Gaurdian Issue; Round w/Four Quadrants
Oregon OA Section 2011-7 WHT R M/C BLK YEL 60th Anniversary Backpatch; Special Collector's Issue; Round w/Four Quadrants
Oregon OA Section 2011-8 GMY R M/C BLK YEL 60th Anniversary Backpatch; Patron Issue; Round w/Four Quadrants